Which Margarita Are You? Your Barkada Described by Margaritas

Article by: Arielle Choy

Itโ€™s that time of the year again: Chiliโ€™s Margarita Madness! Chiliโ€™s bottomless margaritas are back and what more could we ask for? One thing is for sure: drinking margaritas is always more fun when your friends are involved. The funny thing is: margaritas and your barkada actually have more things in common besides making your night wilder and more fun.

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Here is your barkada as described by margaritas:

Traditional Margarita

Responsible, caring, and trustworthy – each barkada has someone like this. The Traditional Margarita is someone who is always a stickler for rules, whether itโ€™s about dating or planning the next barkada hangout. They are someone who doesnโ€™t really like trying new things. You need some effort (and lots of pestering) to get the Traditional Margarita to step out of their comfort zone and try new adventures with you.

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However, even though the Traditional Margarita may sometimes seem really uptight, you know that they are dependable and you can always count on them to have your back, no matter what.

Frozen Margarita

The Frozen Margarita is the cool one of the group – someone who acts all aloof with their โ€œI donโ€™t careโ€ attitude. Because of the way the Frozen Margarita carries themselves, most people think that the Frozen Margarita does nothing but judge everyone and is anti-social all the time.

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However, as the Frozen Margaritaโ€™s friend, you know better. You know that once you can get through their tough and icy exterior, they are actually a big sweetie underneath that cool attitude.

Fruit Margarita

The Fruit Margarita is the whole barkadaโ€™s Tito/Tita –ย someone everyone runs to whenever they have problems because of the great advice they give. The Fruit Margarita is not only the most caring, but is also the loudest member of the barkada,ย always ready to share the latest gossip with the rest of the group. Everyone in the barkada loves the Fruit Margarita because they always bring goodies like candies and cookies to every barkada get-together.

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(READ: 8 Dreamy Destinations Perfect for Your Next Barkada Trip)

Top Shelf Margarita

The Top Shelf the resident rich one of the group. Not only do they always have the best outfits; they are also always hurrying off to their next business meeting or conference. Since they are the most business-minded person in the barkada, all of you turn to the Top Shelf Margarita whenever itโ€™s time to divide the total bill when you go out to eat. In the end, the Top Shelf Margarita still always ends up paying for everyone as their treat.

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Because of their great planning and organizing skills, the Top Shelf Margarita is also the one in charge of planning all of your barkada outings. You all try to stay on the Top Shelf Margaritaโ€™s good side because you know that they always give the best presents during Christmas.

Virgin Margarita

Innocent, bubbly, and downright friendly; the Virgin Margarita is the baby of the group. If there is one rule in the barkada,ย it is that the Virgin Margarita must be protected at all costs. Although the Virgin Margarita may seem immature at times, they have a good heart and always mean the best. The Virgin Margarita is fun and loving, and wants nothing more than to have a good time with the rest of the group. ย They tend to bring a sense of childish wonder to the group and constantly remind you of the things that really matter in life.

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For only 300 pesos, you can avail of Chiliโ€™s bottomless margaritas. Premium margaritas are not included in Chiliโ€™s bottomless margaritas deal, but you can get any of their premium margaritas for a promo price of 20% off. So what are you waiting for? Grab your barkada and head to the Chiliโ€™s nearest to you!