WATCH: The Justice League Trailer as an 8-Bit Video Game

Day by day, we get a step closer to the premier of Justice League on November 2017! The first glimpse into the film was shown during the San Diego Comic-Con 2016 as a surprise by Justice League director Zack Snyder to the fans of this power faction. There are three trailers to go, though we don’t know yet when the next trailer will be coming out since the League is still under production.

WATCH: Amazing First Glimpse of the Upcoming Justice League Movie


Being blessed by the DCEU (DC Extended Universe) with an awesome trailer, Youtube channel JoBlo Movie Trailers released an 8-bit version of the Justice League trailer. JoBlo Movie Trailers recreates awesome trailers into awesome 8-bit versions complete with 8-bit video game graphic, animation, and sounds. To quote JoBlo, “It’s like your NES never went out of style.

Watch it here:


How cool would it be if the Justice League was re-created as a game, too, right? Which movie trailer would you like to see in their 8-bit awesomeness version? Drop your comments here and let us know!