Watch How the Ipit Gang Does its Modus

Watch How the Ipit Gang Does its Modus


The style of the Ipit Gang is old, but it’s still surprising how many still fall victim to this modus. In essence, the Ipit Gang operates by casually ganging up on an innocent person, with one accomplice stealing the victim’s valuables while the others create distractions for the victim and the bystanders. Because so many people still fall victim, many thieves still resort to this.


Watch How the Ipit Gang Does its Modus 3

Watch How the Ipit Gang Does its Modus 2


A video shared by the La Union Police Department shows a customer at a bakery in La Union becoming victim to the Ipit Gang. While she was in line at the cashier, a group of five people stand by the end of the counter. Sadly, the other customers were too busy to notice the group, even if they were acting obvious during their heist. They ended up getting the woman’s wallet.

Watch the video below:



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