
WATCH: Gerald Anderson Shows Off ‘Almost Ready’ Private Resort in Zambales

Gerald Anderson has been keeping busy these past months during quarantine with the construction of his new enormous private resort in Zambales, which he has been working on together with his dad Gerald Randy Anderson Sr. and brother Ken Anderson.

gerald anderson

In a couple of vlogs, Gerald has been giving updates on the construction progress to friends and fans. So far, we know that it’s going to have cabins, a basketball court, a fitness center, a swimming pool overlooking the sea, a bar area, and access to the beach.

Now, in a recent Instagram post, we are finally seeing it all come together.

“Hayati private resort. Almost ready,” Gerald revealed as he took everyone on a tour around his nearly-finished project.

Gerald had described this resort as his “piece of paradise” and we can tell how excited he is to finally complete it. After all, he’s been very hands-on with its building from the very start.

See how it looks in the video below:


(ALSO READ: LOOK: Gerald Anderson’s New Cryptic Photo Sparks Romance Speculations)

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