Game of Thrones is finally returning to television a few weeks from now for its seventh season, and for fans like myself, I bet you are all over-the-moon excited for the comeback! I mean, we did wait for more than a year for this new season…
To buffer the antagonizing wait, here’s a seriously amusing video of the Game of Thrones cast “singing”. Technically, it’s an intricately stitched-together scenes from the award-winning series to achieve the lines from a song. This is the work of YouTube channel, Sung By Movies, who specializes in this kind of videos.
What’s funny is the choice of song. In this video, our favorite characters sing Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive”. But will they? We all know the kind of show Game of Thrones is…
Ahhh the brilliant irony in this one. Watch it below:
Are your excited for Game of Thrones Season 7? What are your predictions? Share your thoughts with us!