There’s a new social media challenge currently taking over the internet, and it’s called the “Mannequin Challenge”. If you are not familiar about it yet, it’s a video where people hold poses as if they’re mannequins. Hence the name. The challenge, of course, is not only in holding the poses, but in setting up the most creative situation. And in many cases so far, the most hilarious.
Even some celebrities have taken up the challenge, and most recently, the one and only ~*queen*~ Adele. Watch her response to the Mannequin Challenge here:
Mannequin challenge
โ Adele (@Adele) November 8, 2016
Cowboy bar brawl? We love that guy ready to smash a chair over someone’s head. Lol. Very cool, Adele!
What do you think of Adele’s Mannequin Challenge? Share you thoughts below!