VIRAL: Shadows or Ghosts Caught in Intramuros, Real or Not? You Decide!

A very interesting story is circulating in social media. These are the scary yet interesting images captured by Randy Topacio in Intramuros.

Intramuros, also known as, the Walled City is the oldest and most historic area in Manila. Behind their Spanish-inspired walls lie the secrets of what happened during the Hispanic colonial era.

On Randy’s Facebook post, he captioned his masterpiece: “A PICTURE OF THE PAST – TAKEN IN THE PRESENT.” He posted 4 sets of photos and each of them has a description as to how he was able to capture these “unique subjects.”

He wrote: “It was around 7:30 pm when I took the first picture. The picture showed people walking the street of Intramuros.

I was atop of the wall that secured the city in the Spanish era.”

Ghosts in intramuros

Then he described his second photo as: at around 11:30 pm, as I went out of the hotel. I found myself alone in the street. I went back atop the wall. The street was empty and it looked neat with its warm light color street lamps. So I took another photo of the street. I never bothered to look at the photo until this morning.

ghosts in intramuros

Source: Randy Topacio Facebook

Now, the scary part is when he finally checked his photos the next day, as mentioned.

He said: “To my astonishment, I noticed that there were a lot of people in the photo. As I examined the photo much closer and enhanced it a bit… Whoa!!! I have captured what seems to be people in the Spanish era. I have taken a photo of the past.”

Admittedly, I am not knowledgeable in Photoshop nor an expert photo editor, but to my surprise, one of the subjects indeed looked like the Spanish soldier!

Here are the 3rd and 4th image along with his caption:

ghosts in intramuros

Source: Randy Topacio Facebook

In the picture, you will see people in white shirt walking away from me. Their clothes are similar to those who wore the traditional Katipunero outfit. A Spanish soldier in white with his helmet is leading a group of NUNS in their white coif, black veil and Holy habbit.

As per Wikipedia, the religious habit of Roman Catholic nuns typically consists of the following elements:

White coif: This is the garment’s headpiece and includes the white cotton cap secured by a bandeau and a white wimple or guimpe of starched linen, cotton, or (today) polyester to cover the cheeks and neck. It is sometimes covered by a thin layer of black crape. The cornette was another type of coif.

Black Veil: This element is worn pinned over the coif head coverings and could be worn down to cover the face or up to expose it. The headpiece sometimes includes a white underveil as well.

Holy habit: This is the central piece of the garment, also commonly referred to as a tunic. It is a loose dress made of black serge fabric pleated at the neck and draping to the ground. It can be worn pinned up in the front or in the back to allow the nun to work.

ghosts in intramuros

Source: Randy Topacio Facebook

They wore long white shirts and loose pants.

I don’t know if you will believe me or not but one thing is for sure, I never tampered with the picture to create this illusion.

What bothered me most is that the group of Nuns came out from the wall on the right. But there is no door nor hallway in that area.

That’s purely a wall.

I think I have captured the GHOSTS of the PAST. The Ghosts of Intramuros.

On one of the comments, Randy said he only used S5 in taking these photos.

As of this writing, his post has already been shared for 9,105 times.

My grandparents used to tell me that these ghosts are disturbed. They will keep wandering here on earth until they find peace.

Meanwhile, Mr. Randy Topacio ended his post with the mind-boggling question: “Are they for real? You decide.”

I’m gonna ask you the same thing, what can you say about the photos? Are they really true? Please share your thoughts below.

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