
Typhoon Survival Tips: How To Open A Can with A Spoon

Typhoon Tips: How To Open A Can With A Spoon by Bogart the Explorerย 



WARNING: In any case, be wary of the can lid for it can be sharp. Use this technique ONLY if necessary.

ย Now there are many ways to do this mates, so any method should be okay… especially for those that really need it. We just found that this “spoon technique” lessens the chance of metal filings and dirt getting mixed into the food. ALSO, for those who are still donating canned goods, please try to send “easy-open” cans to make it a lot simpler. But as always, any help would surely be appreciated. Mates, let’s all help out our brothers and sisters in the typhoon-affected areas in any way possible. Together, we can make a difference. Yes we CAN! Cheers!ย 

– Bogartย