
Awesome Transformers Stop-Motion Movie – Better Than Michael Bay’s Transformers 4!

Awesome Transformers Stop-Motion Movie – Better Than Michael Bay’s Transformers 4!


Instead of wasting your money on Michael Bay’s latest Transformers ‘masterpiece’, why not save yourself a ton of time and money and watch something awesome-r instead? Like this super awesome Transformers stop-motion movie!


Awesome Transformers Stop-Motion Movie – Better Than Michael Bay’s Transformers 4!



5 minutes of Optimus Prime vs. an army of Constructicons? Yes, please! Props to Harris Loureiro for this amazing video!


As for the actual Transformers 4 movie, check out our review here:

20 Reasons Why We Did Not Like Transformers 4 – Michael Bay Does It Again!




Awesome Transformers Stop-Motion Movie – Better Than Michael Bay’s Transformers 4!