When Olivia lost her hair, she thought she would never dare to go out without her wig. But it’s been some time now, and Olivia has come to love herself again and find her beauty regardless of her wig. There’s so much freedom in inner love, isn’t there, Olivia?
Susan wears a hijab out of choice, but many say she is just “another woman oppressed by Islam.” Susan, what you wear is your personal decision, and it’s oppressive to strip you of the freedom to choose!
Laura only wears loose clothes ’cause she has never felt comfortable with the so-called “womenswear” collections. Laura, gender does not define clothing. Everybody can and should wear whatever fits best their own identity. You have the whole store to look for the perfect outfit, not just the womenswear section.
Ursula never liked wearing makeup. That’s not a problem, Ursula! You are the boss of your face!
Silvia has white hair. People have been telling her to dye it, so she doesn’t look old. Silvia, Silvia, dying your hair is a choice and never an obligation. If you like your white hair, nobody has anything to do with it. Age has nothing to do with it. Your hair is beautiful and the choice is yours!
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