We always have a hard time looking for a restaurant to try in Boracay, not because we canโt find one, but because there are just so many to choose one. We always try to find one that has good value for money and most of the time, we end up eating in fast food chains.ย Good thing the Seabreeze Cafe Boracay has finally opened. I must tell you: everything you want is there!
Seabreeze Cafe Boracay is owned and operated by the Henann Group and is facing the beach of Boracay Station 2. It is right in front of Boracay Regency which gives hotel guests easy access to the restaurant. They first opened its doors a few years ago, but have undergone renovations, turning its former rustic look into something more modern and chic.ย
As we stepped in front of Seabreeze Cafe Boracay, I automatically thought, “wow, this restaurant looks fancy”. It is mostly of white paint with blue accents and has contemporary lighting decors that are perfectly dimmed to set the mood while at dinner.ย
The view at Seabreeze Cafe is breathtaking, making it the perfect spot to start the day or have a romantic dinner date.ย The ambiance in the restaurant is very beautiful, too. You can sit either at the poolside, the beachfront or inside near the buffet.ย
The location is very romantic that we actually witnessed a wedding proposal there.ย Seabreeze Cafe offers buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner. Luckily, we got to try all three! Breakfast Buffet is at 400++, Lunch is at 450++ and Dinner is at 620++.ย Aside from different kinds of cuisine and tons of food to choose from, there is a live cooking station that change its themes every day.ย
If you do not fancy meat, no need to fret. There is a salad bar, fruit variety and tons of breads to choose from. ย And you may actually change your mind when you see all of the dishes that are cooked to perfection.ย