There must be a thousand proverbs all over the world teaching us that what we sow, we reap; that what we throw away will come back to haunt us in one form or another. Unfortunately, in our throw-away modern world, it is taking form as a plastic nightmare.
RELATED: Recycling: Where to Bring Plastic Waste in Manila
According to the latest studies, virtually all the world’s tap water is contaminated by microscopic plastic fibers, raising concerns about how bad the effects of plastic pollution is on our health as well as that of the planet. Every time we wash our clothes made from synthetic fibers, drive our car or dispose of plastic bags or utensils, we are shedding plastic fragments or dust all over the place. Bigger plastic pieces break down into smaller and smaller pieces until they become like non-biodegradable mush.
This plastic enters our water system and our food. Watch.
Do you know that the Philippines is among the top five countries responsible for dumping roughly 8 million tons of plastic into the world’s oceans every year? How’s that for a global honor?
Awareness is a great first step towards a solution, however. Now that you know, what can you do? You can try minimizing your plastic consumption and manage your waste properly to start with. Choose clothes made with natural fibers. Avoid products with plastic microbeads. Dispose of your cigarette butts properly. Bring your own shopping bag. Avoid single-use plastic utensils.
CHECK OUT THESE OTHER TIPS: READ: This Twitter Thread Can Help You Start A Zero Waste Lifestyle
Tell us, how else can we crush plastic pollution?