About a day after it was announced that #LoveWins in every state in America, a Facebook “Celebrate Pride” tool appeared on the site where users can put a rainbow filter on their profile picture and show the world how ecstatic they are for the U.S. Even Leonardo DiCaprio joined the bandwagon! Sounds harmless enough, right?
Photo from Leonardo DiCaprio’s Facebook page
Well, new reports show that Facebook may have actually performed psychological testing on their users through this tool to find out how information spreads in a social network. The idea isn’t farfetched, either, seeing as Facebook has done the same thing when they tried to see what would get users to change their profile pictures to a red equals sign in support of same-sex marriage.
Some people are upset to have been ‘manipulated’ for an experiment, while some people don’t really care. Either way, at least , it helped people show their support for the LGBT community, right?
What do you think about this?