
The Philippines’ First Government Vet Clinic Has Been Launched

The country’s first-ever government veterinary clinic has been launched in Cebu. The Cebu Provincial Government recently inaugurated the vet clinicย in Barangay Calmante, Tudela, Camotes Island on Tuesday, November 26.

Stray dog are constantly in danger of getting sick, injured, or killed on the streets.

(6 Shelters and Organizations Where You Can Adopt a Dog)

โ€œVet clinics are usually private-owned. If there are any public ones, these are located inside veterinary offices of LGUs. This time we are hoping that the services is not just in government’s main office but now closer to the farmers,โ€ Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO) chief Rose Vincoy said.

Clinic services include surgery, x-ray, ultrasound, chemical analyzer for blood-testing, and laboratory testing. Admissions and consultations for pets, poultry, and livestock will also be provided. Anti-rabies vaccines and vaccines for cattle, hogs, and poultry will be given cost-free while laboratory fees will be subsidized.

This is especially important to the town of Tudela, which relies on livestock and agriculture as a major source of income. They hope that this initiative maintains Camotesโ€™ rabies-free zone status and controls the spread of animal diseases.

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