
The Philippines is the First Country in Asia to Approve Dengue Vaccine

The Philippines is officiallyย the first country in Asia to approveย the first dengue vaccine in the world. According to the World Health Organization, about half of the world’s population is now at risk of getting this mosquito-borne viral infection.

Dengue causes a flu-like illness with various symptoms, including muscle and joint pain, and sometimes even becomes lethalย in the form of severe dengue. More and more people all over the world are getting affected by it, especially here in Asia, so if this vaccine can really prevent millions of deaths caused by dengue, then it really is a god-send. Read moreย about dengue here: What You Need to Know About Dengue Fever


The vaccine is calledย Dengvaxia and is manufactured by Sanofi, a French pharmaceutical giant. A few weeks ago, Mexico was the first to approve this vaccineย in the world, and the Philippines is the second country to follow in its footsteps. It is alsoย being reviewed by more countries in Latin America and Asia at the moment.

After a lifetime of not having been able to cure dengue, the fact that scientists have finally found a drug that is capable of immunising the infection and reducingย the risk of hospitalisation by 80% is astounding. Sanofi has worked on this cure for 20 years and has spent 1.5 billion Euros on it. Money well spent in my opinion!