Philippine Wrestling Revolution presents: Wrevolution X

Philippine Wrestling Revolution presents: Wrevolution X


The biggest show in Philippine wrestling returns on May 28 at the iAcademy Auditorium as Philippine Wrestling Revolution presents, Wrevolution X!ย  We are around one year removed from the first ever incarnation of PWRโ€™s grandest event and what a difference a year makes. New faces have debuted, champions have been crowned, international ties have been established, new rivalries have been formed and old rivalries have grown even stronger. With an immensely stacked show for the Revo-nation come May 28, Wrevolution X will undoubtedly go down as the most unforgettable show in Philippine wrestling history.


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Mr. Sy decided to pull no punches in what might be considered the last PWR show he will ever run as GM by creating the PHX Gauntlet match. In this match, 8 competitors will battle it out for the chance to challenge the reigning PWR champion, Main Maxx. Not only will they be tested by possibly 7 other competitors in one night, but they will also have to take on the Perfect 10 of the Royal Flush right after the gauntlet all for the glory of becoming PHX Champion. The 8 competitors looking to overcome this massive feat include: Crystal, Chino Guinto, SANDATA, Yohann Ollores, Trabajador Uno, VINTENDO, Joey Bax, and Mark D. Manalo. Which one of these promising competitors will be able to successfully run the gauntlet and will itย  be all for naught with โ€œSilent Rageโ€ Main Maxx looming in the wings?


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Ken Warren vs. Miguel Rosales

This match is the direct result of Ken Warrenโ€™s actions at PWR Live: The Road to Wrevolution X. The #CandidAttentionBandit was livid after failing to recapture the PHX title and decided to take it own on his own hired muscle, Joey Bax. Unbeknownst to the Social Media Sinister, Miguel Rosales came back that night and stopped his former employer from connecting a WiFi kick to the back of the cold-hearted Fighter 4 Hireโ€™s head. Now, after calling Ken Warren out on social media, Miguel Rosales finally got what he wanted and will get Ken Warren in a singles match at PWRโ€™s biggest show, Wrevolution X. Will Miguel Rosalesโ€™ ruthlessness lead him to victory or will โ€œThe Face of Facebook,โ€ โ€œTwitterโ€™s Most Liked,โ€ and โ€œThe OG of IGโ€ show his former Fighter 4 Hire bodyguard why he was the boss.


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ALL OUT WAR: The Apocalypse vs. Kanto Terror

In a blood feud thatโ€™s been brewing ever since the first ever PWR Live in August 2015, we may finally see the end between the animosity of The Apocalypse and Kanto Terror and what better way to end it than in an ALL OUT WAR. In August of 2015, The Apocalypse ran roughshod over the PWR roster and one of his victims was the Revo-Nationโ€™s beloved Kanto Terror. Apocalypse took out the siga of Kanto Tinio for well over half a year by injuring his eye. At this yearโ€™s Vendetta, Kanto Terror made his triumphant return and delivered some much needed Payback to the Apocalypse. After being thorns in each otherโ€™s for months, this bad blood will finally be settled in ALL OUT WAR. Will The Apocalypse thrive in his known playground or will Kanto Terror rise up and finally slay the monster?


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James โ€œIDOLโ€ Martinez vs. Rederick Mahaba [If Mahaba loses, he joins the Network]

Once again, two of PWRโ€™s hottest talents will go head-to-head at Wrevolution X as the leader of The Network, James โ€œIDOLโ€ Martinez, will take on the Intimate Warrior, Rederick Mahaba and this time, the stakes could not be any higher. After being on the receiving end of a number of beatdowns from The Network, Mahaba could no longer take it lying down and he decided to bring the fight back to IDOL and his cohorts (with golf club in tow). After saving the El Trabajadores from further humiliation, Mahaba challenged IDOL to a match at Wrevolution X to settle the score to which the top of the pyramid refused, unless, Mahaba would accept that if he loses, he becomes a downline. Mahaba hardened his heart and did not back down from the challenge which leads us to the match. Will the King of Schlong style finally put his crotch to IDOLโ€™s face or will we be seeing a new downline after Wrevolution X?


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FIRST BLOOD MATCH:Peter Versoza vs. Bombay Suarez

Thereโ€™s no rest for the weary. After losing his PHX Championship to Main Maxx at PWR Live: The Road to Wrevolution X, Bombay Suarez will now have to be tested in a First Blood match against another Royal Flush member,the Jack of all Babes, Peter Versoza. We found out about this match in a blockbuster announcement on social media. The main point of a First Blood match is to make your opponent bleed and whoever gets his opponent to bleed first, will be the winner. Itโ€™ll be interesting to see how P to the Vโ€™s dynamic moveset will go up against Bombayโ€™s forte of extreme matches. What we can count on, however, is that this match is sure to be a wild and bloody mess especially with the pieces involved. Look for Bombayโ€™s hardcore creativity, Peterโ€™s wily instincts, their familiarity with each other (as this is not the first time theyโ€™re facing off), and possibly the Royal Flush to play a part in this match. Will Bombay be able to bounce back after losing the PHX championship or will Peter Versoza make the heart and soul of PWR bleed?

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Chris Panzer w/ Mr. Sy vs. John Sebastian w/ KC Montero [Losing manager gets fired]

This rivalry has it all. Action, drama, power, intrigue, and it all combusted on a TV show known as #theGOAT. Before #theGOAT ever came into play, however, Chris Panzer and John Sebastian have already been at each otherโ€™s throats. Sebastianโ€™s jealousy led him to cost Panzer a chance to become PHX champ and Panzer is looking to make Sebastianโ€™s life a living hell because of it. Now enter #theGOAT which invited Chris Panzer and PWR GM Mr. Sy as guests on the show. Everything was going smoothly until an irate John Sebastian crashed the interview with an equally POโ€™d KC Montero backing him up. Sebastian and Montero took no time to verbally assault both Panzer and Mr. Sy which led the PWR General Manager to shut everyone up by announcing a big time matchup for Wrevolution X with the stakes as high as can be. Mr. Sy will be in Chris Panzerโ€™s corner while KC Montero will be in John Sebastianโ€™s corner as the two will duke it out in singles action with one big stipulation. Should Chris Panzer lose, Mr. Sy will be fired as PWRโ€™s General Manager and on the other side of the coin, should John Sebastian lose, KC Montero will be fired from his own show, #theGOAT. No matter who wins at Wrevolution X, rest assured, someone will lose their job.


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3-WAY PWR CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Ralph Imabayashi vs. โ€œThe Senyoritoโ€ Jake De Leon vs. โ€œClassicalโ€ Bryan Leo (c)

What would PWRโ€™s biggest show be without a match for its biggest prize? At Wrevolution X, โ€œClassicalโ€ Bryan Leo will defend his PWR championship against not one, but two opponents in Ralph Imabayashi and โ€œThe Senyoritoโ€ Jake De Leon. There will absolutely be no love lost between these 3 men come May 28. Jake De Leon is looking to recapture the title which has eluded him for the better part of a year, Imabayashi is looking to regain the title he lost months prior, and Bryan Leo is looking continue his reign of dominance over Philippine Wrestling Revolution. For the past few months after he lost the title to Bryan Leo, Imabayashi has made it his number one goal to reclaim the PWR no matter who gets in his way. The same can be said for Jake De Leon as he won the Path of Gold trophy in the previous year cementing his shot at the PWR Title in Wrevolution X. Naturally, 2 men going for the same goal are bound to clash at some point and push each other off. Imabayashi and De Leon have been butting heads in their respective quests for the title which just gives the already dangerous first-worlder even more chances to inflict pain and suffering on his challengers, which he has. Suffice to say, at Wrevolution X, there are no more friends and no more allies. Itโ€™ll be champion, challengers, and the championship. Will either the Senyorito or the Half-Filipino Half-Japanese sensation be able to overcome the odds and reclaim the title they have lost or will the King of the Royal Flush royally flush down his competition at Wrevolution X?


PWR Wrevolution X will be on Saturday, May 28, 2016 at the iAcademy Auditorium located at the iAcademy Plaza, H.V. Dela Costa, Makati City and the event will start at 6PM sharp. Tickets will be available at The Appraisery in Cubao Expo, Playbook Video Game Lounge and Bookshop at 2F Pergola Mall, BF Homes Paraรฑaque, Wingman at the Collective in Makati and they will also be available at the door in iAcademy Auditorium on May 28. Tickets are P400 each and it will be Open Seating. See you at the iAcademy Auditorium for PWR Wrevolution X, Revo-Nation!


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Pictures and Text from: PWR