Dumaguete is and always will be one of my favorite Philippine destinations. Every time I visit this City, I find more and more reasons to come back.
Last year, I discovered the many wonderful things this city had to offer when I was invited to the Sandurot Festival. This year, I came back to continue where my Dumaguete adventure left off.
Dumaguete is literally a City beside the sea. Here I am enjoying the ocean breeze by Rizal Boulevard.
Mag Sandurot ta!
The Sandurot Festival is Dumaguete’s annual festival which showcases the city’s identity through food, art, dance, and many other activities.
The day’s program started by Rizal Boulevard which overlooks the sea. The Paghihimamat (Get Together) served as the opening ceremony where Dumaguete’s rich history was told through dance, music, and theatre.
The program spilled on to the streets as different delegations presented lively and colorful performances. This part of the festival is called Pasigarbo (Streetdance) – definitely a parade that’s a delight to watch.
The last leg of the day’s performances was the Pasundayag (Showdown) which was the final dance off. Photos do not do these numbers justice. Each presentation was a visual treat, each delegation made Dumaguete proud.
In an effort to illustrate how great the dances were, below is video of just some of the dayโs festivities:
Sandurot is a week-long festival. It doesnโt stop at parades – there were exhibits, parties, bazaars, fireworks displays, drone races, food markets, and even more parties!
Enjoying the sights
I woke up the next day to this beautiful view.
The Sta. Monica Beach Club, which is where I stayed, never disappoints.
Dumaguete is home to a number of resorts and hotels – there is no shortage of places to stay here. In a city that overlooks the sea, you’re guaranteed a great view anywhere.
Photo (and a lot of the videos) by my new friend Potpot of Travel Trilogy
This trip’s Dumaguete find is a local store named Subida Souvenirs – a two storey souvenir shop and mini gallery. We found banig backpacks, bamboo mugs, and I even got to ride a wooden scooter on our quick visit. The best part? The store is an initiative to help market products that are locally sourced and locally made.
Aptly called “The city of gentle people,” the locals are warm, friendly, and very willing to show you around. It’s one of those places I honestly wouldn’t mind getting lost in.
Gastronomical finds
Another great thing about Dumaguete is all the City’s great food and restaurants! Last year, I got to visit the Sunday morning Painitan which is on of the famous local food markets. This is where I finally got my hands on Dumaguete’s famous Budbud – a definite must try when you visit.
On this trip, I got to visit the Duma Comida (which I missed last year). This evening food market showcases Dumaguete’s cuisines.
This year’s Dumaguete visit was one for the books.
It was my fourth visit to Dumaguete City and yet again, I discovered new places, and even more reasons to come back.
The Sandurot Festival happens every September in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines. See you next year!