
Visayas Earthquake Not Bohol’s Fault, and not Lhady Mae’s Fault

Visayas Earthquakeย Not Bohol’s Fault, and not Lhady Mae’s Faultย 

The internet tends to get carried away with some things. They’re quick to wish a person the most horrible fate, just for being at the wrong end of a video camera.ย 

After the earthquake in Visayas today, many took to social media sites to see updates and read up on the news.ย 

The “News To Go” Twitter account @newstogoGNTV gave an update saying that “Lindol, bunga ng panggalaw ng east Bohol fault” or in English “Earthquake, result of movement of the east Bohol fault line.”

To most, that makes total sense. But, to a child, it might not. – Queue Lhady Mae who says: “that was not bohol fault it was an accident..”

With that I just smile.

BUT, it’s not Lhady Mae’s fault either!ย 

Please note that Lhady Mae is actually only 12-years-old, according to her profile. So many of you may be quick to judge and start writing nasty stuff towards her: DON’T.ย 

We tried to conceal her Twitter name and all but it seems that many more screenshots of this had already gone viral. Either way, it’s not Bohol’s fault and it’s not Lhady Mae’s fault either! She’s only 12.ย 

Be nice to her =)ย 


Not Bohols Fault and not Lhady Mae Fault she's only 12

Screenshot of Lhady Mae’s comment about the the Visayas Earthquake Bohol fault



Visayas Earthquakeย Not Bohol’s Fault, and not Lhady Mae’s Fault, she’s only 12