A nationwide transport strike is happening today to protest the impending jeepney phaseout, resulting in a suspension of classes. This is due to the Philippine government planning to completely phase out jeepneys by 2020, a plan that is hurting not just the commuters who rely on this particular mode of transportation to get around; but, more importantly, the jeepney drivers who make a living out of them. While protests are occurring around the country, including areas like Caloocan and Cubao, netizens have also turned to Twitter to voice out their concerns on the matter.
In one thread by Hya Bendaña, she voices out that the government has taken away her father’s means to earn money. “People like my father, our jeepney drivers, are going to speak up once again and call out the injustice our government is imposing. They have been protesting for a while now and no one has listened to them. Are we going to allow our government to continue oppressing the poor? When are we going to stop blaming the poor for their poverty? When are we going to side with the marginalized? Until when will we accept the job and future losses of thousands of families? This strike is not about class suspension. This is about our solidarity with those who have always been unheard, whose voices need to be amplified. This is about the hard work that always ends with nothing. Stand with compassion and justice. Stand with us,” she urges.
NINAKAW ng gobyerno ang kabuhayan ng ama ko. And tomorrow, people like my father, our jeepney drivers, are going to speak up once again and call out the injustice our government is imposing. Matagal na silang nagpprotesta at matagal na rin silang hindi pinapakinggan. (1/3) pic.twitter.com/yuJwYGMnca
— Hya Bendaña (@hyabendana) September 29, 2019
Via Allison reminds us that the transport strike is about our jeepney drivers fighting for an unjust and unequal system. “What is the purpose of modernization, then?” she asks. “This is nothing but an anti-poor scheme. Let us amplify the call!”
Just a reminder that the transport strike tomorrow is about our jeepney drivers fighting for an unjust and unequal system! What is the purpose of MODERNIZATION then? This is nothing but an anti-poor scheme. LET US AMPLIFY THE CALL: #NoToJeepneyPhaseOut
— Via Allison ? (@vadelrosario_) September 29, 2019
Mackie also points out that the government is condemning our jeepney driers to livelihood loss. “Privatization of transport pushes them out of business and the government has neglected their pleas for help. Please understand. They have always worked hard for us, now they need our support,” Mackie says in a tweet.
The government is condemning our jeepney drivers to livelihood loss. Privatization of transport pushes them out of business & the government has neglected their pleas for help. Please understand. They have always worked hard for us, now they need our support! #NoToJeepneyPhaseOut
— Mackie?? (@mackierolls) September 29, 2019
The Philippine Collegian shares a story of a UP Ikot driver who lives off an average of P700 daily to sustain his family of five. “The modernization program, he said, would only starve the families of jeepney drivers,” they write.
NEWS: Gaudencio Mateo, a UP Ikot driver for more than 40 years, lives off an average of P700 daily to sustain his family of five. The modernization program, he said, would only starve the families of jeepney drivers. #NoToJeepneyPhaseout
READ: https://t.co/ABs53huPrz pic.twitter.com/c1zE7eREkA
— Philippine Collegian (@phkule) September 29, 2019
Therese shares a tweet of hers from 2018, point out that “until now, the jeepney drivers are still fighting for their livelihood”.
This was in 2018 and until now the jeepney drivers are still fighting for their livelihood #NoToJeepneyPhaseout https://t.co/eTFKB0YzHq
— Therese (@theresesong) September 29, 2019
evanie also reminds everyone that today’s strike is meant to fight against this fake economic progress. “The inconvenience it may cause is nothing compared to all jeepney drivers who are in danger of losing their sources of income,” she says.
may we all realize that the strike tomorrow is meant to fight against this fake eConOMic pRogReSs. the inconvenience it may cause is nothing compared to all jeepney drivers who are in danger of losing their sources of income. #NoToJeepneyPhaseout
— evanie #StandWithFarmers (@hazyheadofmine_) September 29, 2019
Do you think the jeepney phaseout is necessary?