The aftermath of the incorrect announcement of Miss Universe 2015ย from crowning Miss Colombia then later on saying that Miss Philippines actually won stirred a lot of comments from netizens around the globe. Some positive, others negative. While people try to celebrate the win, sometimes it cannot be avoided that bullying arise from what has happened.
In this regard, Miss USA posted on her Facebook page to call out against bullies. She emphasized, “Not one of them deserves to be sent hateful messages online, no one deserves that.”
She posted her message along with a picture of the contestants with host, Steve Harvey.
Agree with her? Share your thoughts with us.
The only notorious e-bullies are Filipinos. They branded by the world as the worst and dumbest sportsmen in the world. Everytime a Filipino is in a competition, there is always a person or a couple of people they will bash.
American Idol with Ramielle Malubay got almost all contestants hated on by Filipinos. American Idol with Jessica Sanchez got allot more, with white contestants such as Holly, Joshua, ect being racial attacked and just labeled as “jealousy in their eyes” for no reason. Xfactor UK, had Louisa Johnson, Lauren, and the judges being bashed by filipinos. Fiba 2014, had filipinos bashing Iran with racist attacks, Fiba 2015 same thing..Manny Pacquiao and also his matches too, now this.
Anybody with an average IQ knows that what Miss Colombia experienced is a massive emotional shocker that would leave anybody bitter, angry, and depressed. That is like taking the ring off your girlfriend because you just made a joke about proposing to her. Allot of Filipinos also ended up attacking miss colombia’s english skills and every contestant that was shown friendship/support to her.
I’m sorry, but Filipinos need to grow up. They are still the most racist and stupid commenters you’ll ever read.
All these women who joined the Miss Universe 2015 are not incredible, sorry Miss USA but I disagree with your opinion, the situation tested the characters of all of you but so sad and so disappointing some of those ladies show their true colors, they did not passed the test, their beauty are only outside appearances but not real beauty within. Those ladies who bullied the crown Miss Universe are hypocrites, bitches, mean, childish and immature bitches. It is good to console and lift up the spirit of Miss Colombia but do they really need to show disrespect and shooed the winner, Miss Philippines. The videos clearly tells it all, the intentions of these ladies are not pure, maybe some of them arfe really concern to Miss Colombia but not all, those who shouted, who shooed,who blocked, who told Miss Philippines to step back!!! Oh no girl, open your eyes, being positive is good character of yours Miss USA and we witnessed that but I think those bitches deserves to be called bitches, hypocrites,immature, childish, mean and plastics, bullies.They bullied Ms. Philippines so it just bounced back to them. `You reap what you sow ` `What comes around goes around`. They are not childrens, they are fully grown up up adults, and they are responsible for their actions and it`s consequences.
“We don’t tolerate negativity”…..then please explain the video which showed the other Miss U contestants ignoring and shooing away Miss Philippines when she tried to approach Miss Colombia? Actions speak louder than words. And why did Miss Germany issue a clear statement saying that none of the girls voted for Miss Philippines?