MISS UNIVERSE 2015: What Happened To Pia’s Walk?

You knew it, I knew it, every Pinoy knew it, deep down in the pit of our stomachs: There was something wrong when Colombia was announced as Miss Universe 2015.

Not to take it against Ariadna Gutierrez, who was beautiful in her own right, and yet another statuesque beauty to fall in line behind Colombia’s famed pageant legacy, but for once, Pia did EVERYTHING right: that toned bikini bod could pierce through anyone the longer you looked at it, we FINALLY got Filipino designers complete ensembles for her that were not just on point, but AWARD-WINNING. And of course, who could forget that answer? “Confidently beautiful with a heart” is poised to go down in history as “Top Miss Universe quotes”, indeed one for the books. #MissUniverse2015-tweets23 So given all these, to hear Colombia announced in lieu of Philippines definitely felt robbed. It was Janine Tugonon 2012 all over again, when we rightfully felt that her name should have been called instead of Olivia Culpo’s! But this time, the sting felt WORSE — because this was by the time the Philippines had artfully prepared her arsenal, exactly to prevent a repeat of 2012. THEN Steve Harvey enters the frame, video bombing Colombia’s walk WHEN he announces that there has been a mistake…. ย 

… and that Philippines SHOULD have been announced as Miss Universe.

We bet every household glued to their screens went like this:

Miss Universe 2 GIF


The turn of events was SO historical, and SO awkward, that the official Miss U had only THIS to show for, on the announcement of the newly crowned queen:

Buti nalang grace under pressure pa rin si Pia, lest we’d have a derp face to go with that announcement! And of course, lovely Pia, stunned by what now turned out to be a shocking plot twist, walks with uncertaintyย to the center of the stage, where an understandably frozen Miss Colombia stands, still holding the crown and bouquet, and fresh from her “I can’t believe I won” tears. #MissUniverse2015-tweets16 Steve Harvey apologizes profusely and offers to show the announcement on his card to prove that there indeed was a mistake, and that Philippines should have rightfully been announced.

And just as a 2014 Miss Universe (also from Colombia) begrudgingly begins to transfer the crown to Pia… the screen cuts to a logo of Miss Universe.

WHERE WAS PIA’S WALK?! Why is it thatย every sweet victory of Filipinos always has to be robbed from us even in the littlest of ways? We have been waiting for this momentous win for decades, and every Pinoy in the country deserved to see Pia walk the stage, mistakes be damned, after all her hard work. Remember that Pia has fought for this moment for years: She joined Bb Pilipinas three times, where she finally nailed the crown in 2015, and had always been a Miss Universe in the making.

That walk was a symbol of her triumph against odds, to prove that determination and dedication does get you somewhere, a message of her victory that would not have hurt to be shared to her countrymen, undergoing their own fair share of hardships, whom she proudly did right by.

Steve Harvey, we forgive you for the mix-up. At least you humbly owned up to it. At least, after almost four decades, the Philippines now rightly has a new title. But damn it, give Pia her walk.

As for Pia, you go girl. Congratulations, queen!

What did you think of the Miss Universe results? Were you glued to your screens this morning??

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