
Mandaluyong City Issues New Market Schedule for Residents Based on Surname

Beginning Friday, April 17, Mandaluyong City residents will have to comply with the new market schedule created by the local government which is now based on the first letter of their surnames.

kalentong market mandaluyong city

According to a post shared by Mandaluyong City Public Information, residents will have designated days of the week when they are allowed to go to the public market. Those with surnames beginning with A to L can only do their groceries on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays while those with surnames beginning with M to Z will do theirs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

Social distancing and wearing of face masks must strictly be followed.

The market will be closed every Monday for cleaning and sanitation.

(ALSO READ: Mandaluyong City also launches a โ€œmobile palengkeโ€ for its residents)

Do you have similar regulations in your city as well? Tell us your stories in the comments.

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