
Lovi Poe Has a 21-Inch Waistline and Here’s How She Maintains It


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In news that will make us feel bigger than we already are, it was revealed that Lovi Poe has a 21-inch waistline.

How does she achieve it? In a feature for Rated K, the actress shared that she focuses on her abs and glutes for 30 minutes every day. When she has a taping, she works out as early as 3AM.

When Lovi doesn’t have the time or doesn’t feel like running outdoors, she has a treadmill at home where she can do cardio.

She made it clear that she doesn’t work out to reach a body goal. Lovi said that she does it to be healthy.

However, don’t fret if you don’t have a 21-inch waistline. In an interview with PEP last year, Lovi said that there are plenty of Filipinas who are good examples. She said, “Every woman has her own story, and every woman can be an inspiration.”

She added that it’s okay to have insecurities, saying, “Those insecurities will help you humble yourself, and also make you strive for more, and that’s a good thing. Just embrace your imperfections and love them, because, you know, at the end of the day it’s your beautiful soul that counts.”

Beauty, a body, and a kind heart? Lovi has it all!

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