
LOOK: Solenn Heussaff and Anne Curtis Attend Parenting Class

Sisters-in-law Solenn Heussaff and Anne Curtis just attended a parenting class together to learn how to be hands-on mommies!

Nico Bolzico, who accompanied Solenn and Anne, shared a photo of the two on Instagram stories grinning widely while cradling baby dolls.

“Parenting Sundays! As a father you should know about breast feeding also,” he wrote.

Anne Curtis Solenn Heussaff parenting class

Source:ย Instagram.com/annecurtissmith

Anne shared the photo and tagged Erwan, saying: “Take note @erwan youโ€™re taking a make-up class when you get back.”

The Parenting Emporium, where the three took their class last Sunday, likewise shared a photo of Anne and Solenn dutifully taking down notes while Nico sat cozily on the LazyBoy.

“You look super into the breastfeeding talk,” Anne remarked in jest.

(ALSO READ: Erwan Heussaff tells Alex Gonzaga what he thinks of Anne Curtis’ singing voice)

Anne Curtis Solenn Heussaff parenting emporium class

Source:ย Instagram.com/annecurtissmith

In The Parenting Emporium’s Instagram post, they called the Sunday session “a morning of fun and discoveries” especially with Anne asking questions like, “Will my babyโ€™s head ever be normal if it emerges as a cone head?” They also mentioned Solenn and Nico having their usual “witty exchanges” the entire time.


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Anne revealed only this month of November that she is five months pregnant. Meanwhile, Solenn announced her pregnancy in August and is seven months pregnant.

(ALSO READ: Ethel Booba is Pregnant with Her First Child)

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