
LOOK: NASA Releases ‘Highest Resolution’ Photo of Mars

NASA recently released the โ€œlargest and highest-resolutionโ€ panorama picture of Mars ever taken last March 4. They state that the panorama was taken between Nov. 24 and Dec. 1, 2019.

mars high res image nasa

(LOOK: NASA Shares Unbelievable Photo of Milky Way Over โ€˜Worldโ€™s Largest Mirrorโ€™)

You can view the interactive panorama here.

It showcases “Glen Torridon,” a region on the side of Mount Sharp that the Curiosity rover is exploring.

“Sitting still with few tasks to do while awaiting the team to return and provide its next commands, the rover had a rare chance to image its surroundings from the same vantage point several days in a row,” NASA’s statement narrates.

The 1.8-billion-pixel photo is composed of more than 1,000 images and utilized the Mast Camera or Mastcam’s telephoto lens. It took Curiosity more than 6 1/2 hours over 4 days to complete the photo.

“While many on our team were at home enjoying turkey, Curiosity produced this feast for the eyes,” said Ashwin Vasavada, Curiosity’s project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which leads the Curiosity rover mission. “This is the first time during the mission we’ve dedicated our operations to a stereo 360-degree panorama.”

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