Renowned Filipino actor Mon Confiado just gave a sneak peek of the character he will be portraying in his upcoming Metro Manila Film Festย movie, “Ang Mga Kaibigan ni Mama Susan.”
The film, based on a book of the same name written by Bob Ong, will star Joshua Garcia and Angie Ferro and will be produced by Regal Entertainment under the direction of Chito Roรฑo (“Feng Shui,” “Sukob”).
Mon took to Facebook to share behind-the-scenes photos of him as the “bangkero“, including one where he is posing with veteran actress Ferro.
About a month ago, he shared close-up selfies as the bangkeroย but did not reveal that it was for this particular film.
The story of “Ang Mga Kaibigan ni Mama Susan” is told through the journal entries written by a student, Galo, residing in Manila who returns home to the province where he was raised by his grandmother, Susan, after learning she is ill. But as Galo cares for his ailing grandmother, he uncovers various mysteries and horrors that eventually makes him question his sanity.
Also starring in the film are Patrick Quiroz playing as Jovit, Kelvin Miranda as Louie, Henz Villaraiz as Roy, and Miko Gallardo as Joselito.
(ALSO READ: LOOK: Mon Confiado is the Lead Star in this International Movie Set in the US)
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