
LOOK: Japan fixes road damaged by earthquake in just one day

On June 18, a strong earthquake hit Osaka that left several casualties and injured victims. It also resulted in stopping their main transportation line – the trains. Since Japan is a connected country via trains, stopping its operations even in just one area can affect other cities. Even if the operations were stopped in Central Japan, many commuters were stranded in Tokyo but the commuters waited patiently for the operations to resume.

The strong earthquake also left Osaka with a huge broken road. However, a day after the earthquake, the road was open again for travelers on June 19.

Workers quickly fixed the broken road and itย is now passable.

There are still ongoing repairs in other areas of Osaka and workers are quick on their feet in fixing them. But this is a powerful demonstration of Japanese efficiency.

Hope we can learn a thing or two from them. They likely have all the technology and advanced equipment but we don’t have to do it in a day, maybe just a little quicker than we’re used to.

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