LOOK: This Cat Has Gone Viral for Looking Like Hitler

You know how some pets seem to look like their owners? Well, this pet is a little different. Instead of looking like his owner, this cat named Mikmik looks like one particularly notorious man: Adolf Hitler.

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Sandel Manese shares that she found Mikmik along with his two sisters at a overpass in Pasig. She and her husband were having a rough day at the time when they saw the approximately 1-week-old kittens crawling around. “I had never touched a kitty before because I am more into dogs,” Sandel admits.

Anyway, they immediately bought some milk for them, thinking that they already knew how to drink on their own. After that, they left them there and watched a movie. Four hours later, they were still crying and crawling there, though, so the couple decided to bring them home.

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Things weren’t easy, though. For the first week, the kittens were a nightmare for Sandel because they were crying pretty loudly every two hours. “I couldn’t go out because I had to feed them,” Sandel shares. “I couldn’t sleep or travelbecause of them, either.” However, Sandel also admits that she started to feel like a motherย because of them and that’s what made them inseparable.

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To this day, the couple can’t travel because of their cats, but it doesn’t bother them at all because they care for them so much. In fact, Sandel even quit her job because Mikmik’s sister Zorro went missing for a week and she had to find her. “We couldn’t sleep or eat, and we were always crying on the nights we failed to find her.” They eventually found her and now, Mikmik and his sisters have been with the couple for four years now.

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Sandel shares that they first noticed Mikmik’s similarities to Hitler when people commented on Mikmik’s picture. They found it funny because of the similarities in their hair that the picture garnered hundreds of likes the first time Sandel posted it.

And here we are again today, sharing the funny similarities between the two while at the same time celebrating our love for people with kind hearts who adopt animals that need tender loving care.

Got any warm stories of your own to share? Share them with When in Manila Angeline!