
New Broadway Musical About Leonardo Da Vinci To Be a ‘Mix of Hamilton’ and ‘Willy Wonka’

A new Broadway Musical is coming that will delight both art enthusiasts and theater geeks everywhere.

โ€œSalvator Mundi! The Musicalโ€ is reportedly in the works by Tony Award-winning production company Caiola Productions, the very same company responsible for helping bring the much-beloved “Dear Evan Hansen” to life onstage!

leonardo da vinci musical hamilton stage

The musical is going to be about the wild story of renaissance master Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece titled “Salvator Mundi”โ€”which was thought to be lost for over 500 years until it was eventually discovered, restored, then sold at an auction in 2017 for over USD 450 million (over PHP 22 billion).

According to reports, the musical is pegged to be a “mix” of “the historical reportage of โ€˜Hamiltonโ€™ with the fantasy and delight of Willy Wonkaโ€™s golden ticket.” That alone is enough to make anyone excited about it!

Not much else has been revealed about the upcoming musical other than writer and dramatist Deborah Grace Winer being on board to write the book. The composer and lyricist have yet to be determined.

It is set to premiere on Broadway by 2022.

(ALSO READ: WATCH: Here’s Your First Look at the Live Broadway Recording of ‘Hamilton’)

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