
It’s More Fun in the Philippines: Electrical Poles in the Middle of the Road

It's More Fun in the Philippines Electrical Poles in the Middle of the Road 3


Electrical poles can be such an eyesore, especially those whose wires are so tangled that it looks like a blackout waiting to happen. To address this, some cities in Japan, the UK, Germany, and the US are undergrounding, or replacing overhead cables with underground ones. Aside from aesthetic purposes, undergrounding makes power lines less susceptible to outages during extreme weather conditions. Dipolog had other ideas.

In a Facebook post going viral, Deborah Nazario shared some photos of an electrical line along a road in the city. Instead of traditional overhead ones, or the trending underground ones, this road had its electrical lines… in the middle of the road. We’re not sure how that happened, but check out the photos below:


It's More Fun in the Philippines Electrical Poles in the Middle of the Road


It's More Fun in the Philippines Electrical Poles in the Middle of the Road 4


It's More Fun in the Philippines Electrical Poles in the Middle of the Road 2



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