One of the most unforgettable film franchises is Indiana Jones, which follows Harrison Ford as the titular character. Across four films, the swashbuckling hero and archaeology professorย recovered important artifacts from history while saving the girl. Now, Ford will be taking on the whip and hat as Indy in a fifth movie but there’s a catch. It’s delayed. Again.
Sources have confirmed that the production of the untitled Indiana Jones film will not be able to meet the planned 2020 release. The thing is, the film has already been delayed as it was supposed to be released in 2019.
The good news is, Ford will be reprising his role as Jones and Steven Spielberg, who has directed all four films, will also return.
There’s no word about the delay but it looks like scheduling conflicts. Ford was busy shooting the Oscar Award-winning filmย Blade Runner 2049ย and he’s set to lend his voice toย The Secret Life of Pets 2.ย Spielberg will shoot a remake of West Side Storyย and the religious dramaย The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara.
The first Indiana Jones film, Raiders of the Lost Ark, was released in 1981. This was followed by The Temple of Doomย in 1984,ย The Last Crusadeย in 1989, andย The Kingdom of the Crystal Skullย in 2008.
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