If there is one thing I wish we had more of in Manila, it’s cool yoga classes. A couple of months ago, I wrote about Namasdrake, a combination of yoga and Drake.ย Well, now, another cool yoga class has popped up in Texas: a Harry Potter-themed yoga class! That’s right, Muggles. For everyone who didn’t get their Hogwarts letter in the mail, this would be a dream come true – if you practice yoga, at least.
The class was created by sisters Isabel Beltran andย Ximena Larkin and they renamed classic yoga posts to fitย the Harry Potter theme: the tree pose, for example, is called the Whomping Willow, while the cobra pose is called the Slytherin Cobra.ย They even gave wands to the attendees, which they couldย use in class. So. Cool.
The first class on October 30 is said to have been soย successful that they are already planning more classes for the future. Please, yoga studios in the Philippines, PLEASE bring this class here!