
Gloc-9’s Latest Song “Buhat” Believes That Love Conquers All

Gloc 9 Buhat

Photo / Universal Records Philippines

True love transcends race, color, religion, and even physical features. Once it hits you, the heart encompasses all the other sensory perceptions, seizes control, and then goes on autopilot which oftentimes defies logic. You even tend to bend the rules that you’ve set for yourself.

The topic of love would always become an inspiration for every artist’s creation. Whether it’s a painting, a poem, a photograph, a film, or in the case of rap icon Gloc-9, a song.

“Buhat” is the second to the last installment of his upcoming Pilak album. It focuses on love’s resilience amidst all difficulties. The song is like an ode to the statement that, love conquers all.

Watch the lyric video below:

Our Paboritong Makata wasted no time crafting yet another unique sound along with his flows and wordplays. Like his other tracks from the said forthcoming album, “Buhat” is arranged, mixed, and mastered by none other than Thyro Alfaro. Meanwhile, the wonderful single artwork was made by Cel Mar of CLMRarts.

“Buhat” follows the November release of the “Bahay Yugyugan,” Gloc-9’s recent collaboration with Flow G which became a trending video on YouTube for music and has a new Wish Bus performance video as well.

Stay tuned for more from Gloc-9 this 2023!


Facebook: www.facebook.com/glocdash9

Instagram: @glocdash9

Twitter: @glocdash9

YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/Gloc9official

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7HJDRQAfEcFiARVehhM6qD?si=CfgJxS0XShSr-UQHidQHkw

TikTok: @glocdash9 

Universal Records Philippines

Facebook: facebook.com/universalrecordsph

Twitter: @universalrec_ph

Instagram: @universalrecordsph

TikTok: @universalrecph

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