
Give Your Valentine’s Day Cards an Upgrade!

Photos and gifs by Chel Cue
Video by Michael Sy
Written and Crafted by Leez Escalona

Ah, the Valentine’s Day card. The prime mover of all cutesy Valentine greetings, with little hearts and cupids. Countless cards have been made and sold (we’re looking at you, Hallmark) and everyone always tries to get the best one they can find. Quirky, funny, sentimental, but always adorable.

There’s nothing quite like making one yourself, though – and no, we’re not talking about the old macaroon and crayon scribbles. There’s a way to make the bae feel even more loved by putting in a little extra effort in the card. Want to give your mushy Valentineโ€™s card an upgrade? Here are quick easy steps!

What you’ll need:

Paper, Cutter,ย Glue,ย Pencil, Ruler


Upgrade Your Valentine's Day Card1Step 1: Cut sheets of paper into 1cm strips

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Upgrade Your Valentine's Day Card3

Step 2: Use a pencil or pen to roll the stripsย 

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Step 3: Let them unravel and glue them shut

Upgrade Your Valentine's Day Card

Step 4: Dip them in glue and place them on the card

Have fun making your own lovely designs! You’re partner is definitely going to be impressed.

Upgrade Your Valentine's Day Card5