
Drupal Camp Manila 2014 is Here!

Drupal Camp Manila 2014 is Here!1579701_555702077861572_1019971040_n


Drupal Camp Manila 2014 is on its way, last year’s event was a succesful endevour together with the otherย  IT Communities who supported us.ย  Over 200 people attended the event, these people came from Davao, Cebu, Zamboanga, La onion, Iloilo and of course most of the provinces with NCR.

We are looking forward with Drupal Camp 2014 this coming this 26th and 27th or April, our friends from the South East Asian Drupal Users group will join us and will share their Skills and Talents on Drupal. We will expect more people from the academe, web development industries, and government and NGOs.

Topics will be fully loaded from Drupal 8, Mapping, Visualization, Data Mining, Mobile Development, Drupal Performance and Scalability, Advance Theming and Site building and Bonus Topics of Ethical Hacking and Network Security. We will also accommodate beginners, we will offer them Zero to Hero Topics about Drupal.

What are you waiting for?ย  Sign up now at dcmanila2014.drupalpilipinas.org




Drupal Camp Manila 2014 is Here!