The 6th Digital Marketing Conference Philippines 2019 took place last July 27, Saturday. It gathered 9 different experts and key players of the industry to give us everything we need in order to find success when going digital. Ultimately, there were 5 strong themes which were echoed by all speakers throughout the day and emphasized for its importance.
Here are the 5 most important things to remember when it comes to digital marketing:
5. Keep It User-Friendly
Whether we’re talking about a website, a graphic, or any kind of content created for the internet you have to keep in mind that people will be interacting with it. This means that ease and convenience for the user have to be prioritized, especially if you want them to engage in it fully.
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4. Mobility Is A Must
Statistics show that the majority of the websites which Filipinos visit are accessed through their smartphones. We are constantly glued to our handheld devices, making it the most convenient option for anything: searching, buying, exploring, etc. Many people tend to take this for granted and forget to focus on the mobility of their websites. Mobile design must be prioritized to appeal and engage users.
3. Social Media Is Key
Filipinos spend the most time online and on social media as compared to anyone else in the world. 99% of internet users in the Philippines have at least 1 type of social media account. Both these facts paint a picture of Filipinos to be very social media savvy. It’s not enough anymore to simply have a website or an application, these now have to be projected on different social media platforms simply due to the overwhelming market size.
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2.ย SEO Is Everything
Search engine optimization is all about increasing both the quantity and quality of your website’s traffic by making it more visible. This specifically refers to getting your website, social media page, or any listing towards the top of the search results when keying in certain words or phrases. Some ways to capitalize on SEO is by following Google’s golden rules like ‘building it for the user’ or refraining from “gaming” the algorithm.
1. Content is King
Most importantly, any digital marketerย hasย to remember that creating good and meaningful content still takes primary consideration. All other practices and processes will follow as long as the content created are of high quality. Ultimately, whatever you are trying to market or push to your audience will be welcomed if they connect to or are engaged with what they see.
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