Caught on Video: Motorist Catches a Guy Throwing Bags and Bags of Trash Over a Bridge

When will we ever learn??? The garbage condition in the Philippines isn’t getting any better, that for sure. And with the monsoon season already upon, the flooding in major cities of the country caused by garbage is yet again posing a serious threat.

And so, PJ Go, a concerned citizen, shared a video on his Facebook page of when he saw a man throwing bags and bags of trash over a bridge, which naturally alarmed him. According to PJ, this took place at M. Velez Ext., at Andres Abellana bridge, Cebu, where he is from.

On his Facebook post, he wrote:

“I went to Guadalupe, Cebu barangay hall this morning at 9AM to file police blotter. The resolution is – the man’s attention will be called and if he will commit the act again, he will be imprisoned.

The end of the bridge (opposite to where the man was throwing garbage) is a demolished area . This bridge is part of my daily route and I have now noticed this tricycle parked there every time I pass by it. I think this man is homeless and is living in a makeshift house in the same location. I also saw a woman and several children running around the area. There may also be a path going down under the bridge as I also saw the woman walking up that way.

All these times were from a perspective and observations taken from my vehicle’s point of view as I passed by the area.

On the recorded incident, my assumption is that the man was making a living by collecting garbage but apparently the man was improperly disposing them. (but don’t take my word for it)

On another note – garbage collection in our barangay has not been consistent in the past few months. Garbage in our residencial area is piling up and is very well on it’s second week already.

I have read comments asking why I was just taking the video instead of calling the man’s attention. That was my first thought, to call the man’s attention, until scenarios played in my head like what if I did just that and he responded violently. He may not have any visible weapons or any weapons at all but anything can be used as a weapon and who knew what this was capable or willing to do? I wasn’t willing to risk put myself and my loved one in danger.

To those who shared the video, thank you for spreading awareness. May this man’s act serve as an example of what NOT TO DO.

Hopefully this video will find it’s way to our good mayor Tommy Osmeรฑa.

So now I leave this to the person in authority to help us solve the issue on a larger scale.”

Watch the video here:

Posted by Pj Go on Friday, May 20, 2016


What do you think of this incident? How can we avoid this kind of irresponsible behavior?