Catriona Gray reminisces her journey to the Miss Universe crown


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RAISE YOUR FLAG ?? Philippines, you brought me to tears yesterday. The last time I paraded around @thearanetacenter was as Binibini20 for @bbpilipinasofficial national pagaent, now to be celebrating with you all as @missuniverse …. ? To see how far our journey has taken us, I am extremely humbled and grateful for each and everyone one of you who have given true meaning to feeling “the love and support of the Filipino people!!” ??? See you all later sa #RaiseYourFlag event sa Araneta Coliseum, admission is free! ??? In Alon ? by @maktumang, earrings by @tesserajewelry styled by @justine.aliman19 glam @memayfrancisco @hairbybrentsales nails @mimsqiu โœจ #MissUniverse #CatrionaHomecoming

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It was back on March 18, 2018ย when Catriona Gray won the Miss Universe Philippines 2018 crown during the annual Binibining Pilipinas pageant. The now 2018 Miss Universe reminisced on how rejoining the pageant paved the way toย  her eventually winning the prestigious Miss Universe title.

She said, “Joining @bbpilipinasofficial despite my fears, proving all those people who said I couldn’t, wrong. I realised that night that those doors that closed on me in the years prior were not denying me but redirecting to something even better than I could ever have dreamed of. ? Sometimes the Universe has bigger things in store for you. You just need to stay true to yourself, surround yourself with people who believe in you, put the work in and have faith.”

Watch the video she posted below:

Who else remembers her win back in 2018?