
This Asian Man Proved Just How Much He Loved Rice by Marrying His Rice Cooker

This Asian man seems to love his riceย wayย too much.

Apparently, an Indonesian man named Khoirul Anam from Magelang, Java decided to marry his rice cooker and posted pictures of the ceremony on Facebook where he was dressed in traditional wedding garb while the rice cooker wore a white veil.

According to his caption, he said that he married his rice cooker because it was “white, loving and obedient.” Addressing it, he wrote: “Without you, my rice is not cooked.”

He was even pictured seemingly signing marriage documents!

Of course, the entire post wasn’t meant to be taken seriously as it was just a gag he made online. Khoirul Anam is a known prankster in Indonesia and has made similar jokes in the past wherein he posts about things he’s done, made, or seen as though they were real but they’re all actually stagedโ€”such as making coffee out of coffee-flavored candy, putting spikes on the seat of his motorcycle so his girlfriend wouldn’t get jealous about him possibly giving a ride to other women, and having cobwebs all over his body for allegedly staying at home for way too long (all of which can be seen on his public Facebook account).

Sadly, this means that his marriage with his rice cooker was not meant to last. Just a few days after posting about his bizarre union with his kitchen appliance, he made a new post announcing their divorce.

โ€œMy decision is round… heavy indeed… but this is the way I take… [there is] no perfect partner…” he wrote.

(ALSO READ: Parents Are Sending Bags of Rice to Relatives for Them to Hug Instead of Their Baby)

Would you marry your rice cooker too if you had the chance?

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