
A Celebration of Munimuni’s Latest Track: Sikat ng Araw

After an eventful 2022 that saw bรบhay/buhรกy EP Tour and the release of single Matimtiman, Munimuni will be having another single release party for their latest song โ€œSikat ng Arawโ€ at 123 Block, Mandaluyong, on March 3, 2023.

Munimuni Sikat ng Araw Poster

The indie folk five-piece, along with their friends from The Ridleys and Syd Hartha, will be performing long, intimate sets.

Gates open at 7:00 PM, and tickets are available for online reservation through Munimuniโ€™s social media accounts (@munitheband).

This event is produced by Munimuni, with media coverage from WhenInManila.com