
Makati City to Keep Protected Bike Lanes on Ayala Avenue and Create More Safety Design Solutions

Ayala Land and #MakeItSaferMakati movement agree to maintain protected bike lanes on Ayala Avenue and collaborate on design solutions to promote safety.

Representatives of the #MakeItSaferMakati movement, Ayala Land, Inc. (ALI), and the Makati Business Club’s (MBC) Business for Biking Program met last February 23, 2023 to discuss the design of the Ayala Avenue bike lanes โ€” and agreed to maintain the protected bike lanes and to jointly study and implement various street design solutions.

ayala avenue bike lanes

Photo: Make It Makati

After a series of conversations in the past two weeks, all parties agreed that it is to everyone’s benefit that Ayala Avenue remain a safe, convenient and inclusive transport corridor for all road users โ€”including pedestrians, commuters, cyclists, and motorists.

Moving forward, Ayala Avenue will continue to host a physically protected and enforced bike lane with bollards to separate cyclists from other vehicles, road studs for better visibility, and with enforcement through the Makati Parking Authority supported by an intensified information campaign. ALI, the #MakeItSaferMakati movement, MBC, and other stakeholders will establish a technical working group and open dialogue to ensure continuous improvement of Ayala Avenue’s transport schemes including further studies on the bike lane widths.

Moved by a common vision and commitment, ALI, #MakeItSaferMakati, and MBC commit to making this partnership a model for collaboration between people, local government units, and developers in promoting bike- and commuter-friendly places and cities all around the Philippines.

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One Response

  1. Hoptiko February 27, 2023