
9 inmates in Quezon City jail test positive for COVID-19

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The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) said nine inmates at the Quezon City jail tested positive for the new coronavirus.

This is according to a tweet posted by The Philippine Star.

Prior to this, the BJMP said that 15 detainees were isolated after coming in contact with an inmated who died of suspected COVID-19 in March 25.

Jails are deemed as a ticking time bomb when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Raymund Narag, an associate professor at Southern Illinois University and an expert in Philippine jails, is calling for the release of nonviolent, low-risk, and bailable pretrial detainees as well as vulnerable, elderly, and sickly convicts.

โ€œThe Philippines has the most crowded correctional system in the world,โ€ he said. โ€œIt is only a matter of time before infections creep into the very congested jail and prison facilities.โ€

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