
WATCH: What if Will Smith Starred as Neo in The Matrix?

WATCH- What if Will Smith Starred as Neo in The Matrix?

One of Keanu Reeves’ best roles is Neo in The Matrix, the 1999 science fiction film about a dystopian future where humans live in a simulated reality to subdue them. The film has become a pop culture phenomenon, and established Reeves’ career in Hollywood. But did you know that Will Smith was supposed star as Neo?

The Wachowskis, who directed the trilogy, initially approached Smith, who was praised in his performance in Independence Day and Men in Black. However, the actor turned it down, telling Wired that “I just didn’t see it.” He went on to star in Wild, Wild West, which didn’t do so well.

But what if Smith did sign up? YouTuber The Unusual Suspect indulged everyone who asked this question by re-editing The Matrix‘s trailer with Smith.

Watch it below:

The trailer is a mashup of the original Matrix trailer, mixed in with clips of Smith in I, Robot and I Am Legend. Apart from the actor’s hair appearing then disappearing, it looks like a convincing video.

Well, it’s a good thing he turned it down, because we can’t see anyone else playing Neo other than Reeves. Smith added in Wired, “I would have absolutely messed up The Matrix.”

Reportedly, the movie is about to be rebooted, with Michael B. Jordan eyed to play Neo. Reeves previously said that he would not work on another Matrixย movie unless the Wachowskis will be directing.

Do you think Smith would have made a good Neo?ย Share your thoughts below!

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