7 Rainy Day Arsenals You’ll Need Throughout the Wet Season
Was it our hoarse voices when we belted out oldies at the videoke last Sunday, or was it just God’s answer to our prayers since the beginning of the hot summer days? Either way, I’m just glad that the rainy season is finally showing signs! I can’t help my “ooohs” and “aaaahs” as the chilly breeze touches my face, and my delight by the sounds of those few droplets of rain tumbling at our rooftop. It’s like screaming “the long wait is oveeeer!”
But wait! Before we officially bid the heat goodbye and welcome the colder days with open arms, let’s take note of what we need to prepare for the upcoming rainy days (and weeks, and months..). After all, what with all the things that happened in the past, we have to arm ourselves and get ready to face the battle when the wind and downpour falls on us like crazy yet again.
What to prepare, though? Make sure you always have the following:
7 Rainy Day Arsenals You’ll Need Throughout the Rainy Season
The most basic thing you’ll ever need in your life. It’s versatile, rain or shine. It will shield you and your stuff. Just make sure that it’s big enough to protect you from getting wet. You can buy them anywhere if you don’t have one. It comes in handy, especially for sudden rain showers (when you thought it’d be a sunny, sunny day; but thought wrong). Of course, if you have an umbrella, you can pair it up with..
Aye. Just FYI, raincoats are not just for kids. There are large ones available in the market that can fit anyone. Though a lot of people don’t like raincoats, it’s good to have one especially if you hate getting soaked. Aside from an umbrella and a raincoat, you will also need to have..
Okay, in all honesty, I don’t like wearing boots that much. But with floods happening left and right, who wouldn’t need a pair? It may break your outfit, but as they say: it’s better safe than sorry. Would you rather wade in icky floodwater? Anyway, there are more fashionable boots out now, as well, so you can still show off your beautiful outfit with a pair of rain boots without compromising your style (thanks to the innovative minds who created them).
For flood safety tips and emergency numbers, check this out: Flood Safety Tips and Flooding Emergency Numbers
Oooh, when you don’t have anyone to snuggle with, this would be your perfect companion. It will your cold body some warmth and I bet everyone has at least one of them in their closets – am I right?
Vitamin C
During this season, the inevitable colds and coughs are surely widespread, so take action and much-needed protection in the form of Vitamin C. Even better: eat fruits rich in this vitamin since natural sources are always better.
When the electricity goes out, you’ll need a source of light.
Not the drink (Though why not? More body warmth! Haha), but the kind that can get rid of those icky bitty germs. Protection first!
Equip yourself with all of these things and you’ll surely breeze through the rainy season unscathed. Also, share this list with your loved ones, so you can all be happy, even during damper days. No longer will we sing, “Rain, rain, go away, come again again day..” but rejoice and shout, “It’s raining, men! Hallelujah! It’s raining, men! Amen!”