5 Signs You’re in Hell Week

5 Signs You’re in Hell Week


Students have what they call “Hell Week”. More optimistic people call it “Grace Week”. Whatever you call it, it’s the week where ladies and lads experience a jam-packed week (maybe even a month or sem) of requirements, final exams, papers, group presentations turning ordinary people into superheroes. Interestingly enough, even non-students experience Hell Week every once in a while now – usually even on a regular basis. Here are 5 signs you’re really in your Hell Week.


5 Signs You’re in Hell Week


5. You cry yourself to sleep (or in the middle of doing the load of stuff you need to do because you shouldn’t sleep).

People don’t cry themselves to sleep because of love or other personal problems at this point in time, but because they can’t handle the stress anymore. This comes with staring blankly at a wall or the ceiling before going back to the random crying.

ย 5 Signs You're in Hell Week


But as what most college students would say:


5 Signs You're in Hell Week


4. You eat or drink anything.ย 

Whether you’ve had more than ten cups of coffee or you’ve already eaten everything that needs to be eaten, you are in Hell Week because you are stress-eating. You think that the only way to escape everything that’s happening in your life is to eat or drink. Just don’t blame Hell Week for your inevitable weight gain after drinking all of those energy drinks and eating your tenth microwaveable pizza.ย 


3. You are not your usual self.

You easily become happy, giddy, anxious and a whole lot of other feelings you didn’t know you could possess and show to the world. More dangerously, you have the tendency to be not-so-nice.


5 Signs You're in Hell Week


2. If you are a student, you calculate the minimum exam score you need to get just to pass.

Students usually don’t care much during the beginning of the semester,ย but eventually calculate what their passing grade would be later on. Yes, you are most probably in Hell Week if you are doing this because you’re at the brink of not wanting to excel anymore, but merely want to survive the week.ย 


5 Signs You're in Hell Week


1. You begin to ask existential questions.

Beginning to question everything is the most obvious sign you’re in Hell Week. Questions like “Why am I even doing this?”or “Why am I working so hard? Is there any point?” are some of the most common dramatic lines asked during this time.


5 Signs You're in Hell Week


Everyone has their own Hell Week. Honestly speaking, though,ย some people do not need to experience these weeks if onlyย they hadn’t procrastinated in the first place or slept their way throughout the semester. That’s right. It will all boil down to what you’ve done.

Whether you’ve become bipolar, a glutton, a drama queen (or king) or a bitch, one thing’s for sure: Hell Week is not going to last forever, so keep that chin up!ย 



5 Signs You’re in Hell Week