
5 Reasons Why We are Seriously Crushing on Kim Go-eun in ‘The King: Eternal Monarch’

With six episodes of ‘The King: Eternal Monarch‘ down, itโ€™s just getting better and better with every episode. Lee Min-ho is always a treat to drool over, but can we take some time to appreciate Kim Go-eun for portraying Jeong Tae-eul as a badass detective? The more we get to know Jeong Tae-eul, the more we are loving her for being direct and gutsy.

5 Reasons Why We are Seriously Crushing on Kim Go-eun in ‘The King: Eternal Monarch’

5. She takes down criminals with ease.

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Jeong Tae-eul knocks down a criminal with a glorious spin kick. We love women who can kick butt!

4. She doesnโ€™t hesitate to call out people.

Jeong Tae eul frustrated

We love hearing her say things like, “You crazy bastard!” We can’t really blame her. Itโ€™s hard being patient with someone who claims to be an emperor from another world, even if he is as handsome as Lee Min-ho.

3. She always has her friendsโ€™ back.

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Aside for being there with people, in general, the fact that she can kick butt helps greatly in her line of work. Check out Jeong Tae-eul helping Kang Sin-jae fend off some thugs in the photo above.

2. She never gives up.

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Jeong Tae-eul never gives up and does everything she can to get the job done. As you can see, she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, either, even searching for a murder weapon amongst heaps of trash.

1. Sheโ€™s not afraid of much.

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Jeong Tae-eul is one brave lady! Here she is going so far as to pull a gun on Emperor Lee Gon to confirm his identity.

Images Courtesy of Netflix.

Jeong Tae-eul is definitely someone you would want in your corner or squad! Thereโ€™ll be more moments to look forward to in Episode 7, as well. Watch the teaser here:

Lee Gon is holding a large lion doll, which is definitely an upgrade from the tiny keychain version he gifted Jeong Tae-eul. Doppelgรคngers will meet and some might have murderous intentions. Does Koo Seo-ryeong also have a doppelgรคnger? What will happen when Luna and Jeong Tae-eul meet? So many questions, but one of the best things to look forward to is the meeting between Jo Yeong and Jo Eun Seop. We canโ€™t wait to see their wildly similar yet different reactions to each other!

‘The King: Eternal Monarch’ is available on Netflix with weekly episodes every Friday and Saturday at 10:30PM.

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