Our resident photographer, Peter Baltazar, was out and on the search again for beautiful things to photograph! This time he found himself lost at the Manila Auto Salon! Would any kindhearted booth babe please help our photographer find his way back home?
Well….. since he was there anyway, we asked good ol’ Pete to just take some photos of the nice things he seesย there. Here’s what he got for us……
The Manila Auto Salon continues to rock the automotive aftermarket scene by being the largest industry showcase of customized sedans, sports cars, sport utility vehicles, pick ups and trucks. Since 1996 , under itโs old name the Custom Car and Sport Truck Show until today the show has always been a playground as well as a launching pad for the latest in exterior and performance modifications . Conceptualized and organized by the leading motoring events team, Tradeshow International, Inc., this yearโs edition of MAS promises to be packed with visual treats for the hard core petrol heads.
Photos by Peter Baltazar with special thanks to Dennisis Austria
41 Hot Car Show Babes from the Manila Auto Salon (MAS2015)
40. Semana Queen
39. Anne Stockton
38. Rachelle Tan
37. Amber Asuncion
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you probably didnt see her, probably the prettiest and i didnt got her name.. https://fbcdn-photos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xlp1/v/t1.0-0/p350x350/12243153_10203640832541553_2811816530715990661_n.jpg?oh=75f245ffb7f46bd5f0f1a21cc2fae576&oe=56DC45AB&__gda__=1457673081_9e41b60b2e0962feb2bda3b0fd3bb10d