12 Fascinating and Unique Filipino Names We Swear Actually Exist

Written by Aira Mae Parado

As much as everyone probably wants their names to be great, or at least creative, we have no control over this decision. We can only grow up with the name our parents give us. And for some of us, boy, did their parents have a grand time coming up with a name for them!

We asked around for some of the most unique and playful Filipino names, and here’s what we’ve rounded up. Let’s hear the interesting stories behind the names straight from these people with super unique names!

Here are are 12 unique Filipino names we swear actually exist!

ALSO READ:ย The 24 worst ways peopleโ€™s names have been misspelled on their cups


I was named after a character in the TV series called โ€œTeletubbies.โ€ While it is great to be the only one who has this name, Dipsy sometimes becomes a subject of jokes. My classmates would often replace its spelling with Deepsea and would call me โ€œMalalim na dagatโ€ in public. Itโ€™s alright though, I have gotten used to it over time.

The best thing that I like about having Dipsy as my name is that people can remember me easily. I would often hear remarks about how unique my name is, and I would respond, “Thank you, I’m proud of my parents!”


My dad is a retired AFP personnel, and our place was a former camp during WW2. This place was named Fort William McKinley, which I was named after, apparently. It is very embarrassing sometimes, and I don’t usually want to be called by my second name. Career-wise, though, it is convenient as I can get my NBI clearance easily.


My name is a combination of my fatherโ€™s name, โ€œDhrecxiarโ€ and Zeusโ€™, from Greek Mythology. I think itโ€™s pretty cool as itโ€™s unique. I just have those moments, especially when I join art competitions and chess tournaments, when organizers would always misspell it. And every school year, new teachers would ask how it is pronounced. Itโ€™s Drex-Zus, by the way.

We’re a family of unusual names. In fact, I have uncles whose names are:


Iโ€™ve no idea how it all started, but my grandfather was a lawyer. Iโ€™m not even sure if thatโ€™s relevant. Haha.


It’s pronounced as “Eynjhyll.” My name is inspired by stenography, according to my father. I feel happy and unique because it usually stands out from othersโ€™. I think I am the first person to have an all-consonant name in the Philippines โ€˜cause Iโ€™m now 20 years old. That would be a great legacy, if ever.

5. SINCERELY YOURS โ€˜98, 4. MACARONI ’85, 3. and SPAGHETTI ’88

Sincerely Yours ’98 came from a trend.

It started when my father named my brother MACARONI โ€˜85. For him, it was a “sosy” version of “Macario” which my grandfather wanted to name his grandson. After my brother, as an alternative for macaroni, my father named my sister SPAGHETTI ’88. I wasn’t really planned, but I happened. And since my mom was already in her 40s by the time I was born, my father thought of naming me something that โ€œcloses a letterโ€ to symbolize that I am the last child. There, I was named Sincerely Yours ’98.

The trend didn’t actually end with me. My sister Spaghetti wanted all of her children to have “Cheese” on their names, because what is Spaghetti without cheese, right? So, she named her kids Cheese Pimiento and Parmesan Cheese.

I initially thought my name was normal until I entered college wherein almost all the people whom I’ll introduce myself to, will be amused.

The best feeling in having this name is that people tend to remember me fast since my name has a recall to almost everybody. Also, having this name makes it easier to make friends, since there is a story about me that they’re interested in, the moment I mention my name.


My mom was hilariously always thirsty during her pregnancy with me. She couldnโ€™t pass a day without water beside her, and that led her in naming me โ€œDrink Water.โ€ Mom said, she also wanted me to be a reminder to people to drink water every day. Itโ€™s kinda weird, but I love it.

The best thing is that my name opens opportunities for me. I once got featured in TNT and RatedK, and also guested in a radio station. I think itโ€™s helpful since my course is Communication major in Digital Cinema.


My name came from the English sentence “God is with us.” It is spoken using my mom’s raw Bisaya accent and is therefore pronounced as /gu-dees wi-tus/.

I think it’s pretty cool, but I always make a bad first impression with liberals. It’s like I’m a walking leftist-detector. Catholics usually light up when they first get to know my name. Liberals, on the other hand, usually cringe, though only for about a second. I don’t think they do it on purpose. Maybe it’s a bible-hater’s reflex.

The best thing is that I never need to break the ice when meeting people for the first time. It’s like they always have an urge to do it for me. This happens all the time. My first conversation with literally everyone always goes like:

A: Oh btw, I’m __.
G: I’m Godis.
A: Sorry, ano?… Goodies?
G: Yes, Goodies.
A: Bakit ganyan pangalan mo?

And from there, everything is easy.

Do you know people who have fascinating names, too? Tag them in the comments!ย