
SPOTTED: Aaron Taylor-Johnson on the set of Avengers 4

Note: Some spoilers of Infinity War are indicated in this article.

Is Quicksilver alive? Will he be in Avengers 4?

Fans of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) were quick to share their excitement that Quicksilver, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, could possibly be in Avengers 4.

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Photo from Konichiwa Magazine

(Photo Source)

Also spotted on the set was Tom Hiddleston, who died early on in the film Avengers: Infinity War.

ALSO READ:ย Old-school Cap uniform, Ant Man, and more in these Avengers 4 set photos!

Fans also speculated that time travelย could be evidentย in the fourth Avengers film. Given Quicksilver’s death in Avengers: Age of Ultron, it could also be possible that characters that met their end in Infinity War could also come back to life and stop Thanos from pursuing his evil schemes and selfish pursuits. This would be a possible reunion for Quicksilver, aka Pietro Maximoff, and his twin sister Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen).





We just have to wait and see next year to find out!

Avengers 4 is set to be shown on May 3, 2019, according to Elite Daily.

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