Sad Viral Tweet Gets Happy Ending: Papaw is Having a Cookout and Everyone’s Invited!

A couple of days ago, the internet exploded with reposts and photos of this grandpa, lovingly called “papaw” by his grandchildren, having dinner. The thing is, the photo went viral because papaw looked really sad. Why? The tweet that started it all explains:

Sad Viral Tweet Gets Happy Ending: Papaw is Having a Cookout and Everyone's Invited!

The tweet garnered over a 170,000 plus retweets and over 200,000 likes in days because #sad okay? And the internet empathizes. In this day and age, it’s so easy for childrenโ€”and grandchildren, for that matterโ€”to get caught up in their own busy lives, often forgetting to connect with family members or, in this case, to simply show up.

But don’t worry papaw, the internet loves you! Heartwarming comments and messages poured for this sweet grandpa, that now, he wants to host a cook-out! And EVERYONE is invited!

The great gathering was announced on Twitter by one of the grandkids who wants to make up for his absence:

Sad Viral Tweet Gets Happy Ending: Papaw is Having a Cookout and Everyone's Invited!

Nice to see this story have a happy ending. Such a great story about family, and the power of social media.


Anyone going to Papaw’s cook-out? How much are plane tickets to Oklahoma, anyway? ๐Ÿ˜›